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Friday, February 25, 2011

The Friday Congregational Prayer

Translation in English Language

Quraanic Ayah
In the Name of Allah Most Gracious Most Merciful
...and Obey Allaah and His Messenger, if you are believers. ...and Obey Allaah and the Messenger, so that you may be shown mercy.
O you who believe! When the call is proclaimed for prayer on the day of Jumu'ah, then hasten to the remembrance of Allaah, and leave off all trade: that is better for you, if only you knew. And when the Prayer has been offered, then you may disperse through the land, and seek of Allaah's bounty; but remember Allaah often, that you may prosper. But when they see a bargain or amusement, they disperse headlong to it, and leave you (O Muhammad) standing! Say: What Allaah has is better than any amusement or bargain, and Allaah is the best of providers. (Al-Qur'aan, surah al-Jumu'ah, 62:9-11)
Ghusl (washing the whole body), cleaning the teeth, applying perfume & hair oil, coming to the Prayer as early as possible, & remaining silent while the Imaam gives the khutbah (sermon)
'Abdullaah bin 'Umar narrated that the Messenger of Allaah (may Allaah bless him & grant him peace) said,
"Any one of you attending the Friday Prayer should take ghusl. " (BS) Abu Sa 'eed al-Khudri narrated that the Messenger of Allaah (may Allaah bless him & grant him peace) said, "The ghusl on Friday is incumbent on every male adult, and also the cleaning of his teeth, and the use of perfume if it is available. " (BS)
Abu Hurayrah narrated that the Messenger of Allaah (may Allaah bless him & grant him peace) said,
"Had I not found it difficult for my followers, I would have ordered them to use Siwaak (the tooth-stick) with every prayer. " (BS)
Abu Hurayrah narrated that the Messenger of Allaah (may Allaah bless him & grant him peace) said,
"Anyone who takes ghusl on Friday like the ghusl of Janaabah, and then goes for the prayer (in the first hour), it is as if he had sacrificed a camel (in Allaah's cause); one who goes in the second hour, it is as if he had sacrificed a cow; one who goes in the third hour, it is as if he had sacrificed a horned ram; one who goes in the fourth hour, it is as if he had sacrificed a hen; and one who goes in the fifth hour, it is as if he had offered an egg. When the Imaam comes out, the angels settle down, listening to the remembrance. " (BS, MM)
Salmaan al-Farsi narrated that the Prophet (may Allaah bless him & grant him peace) said,
"Whoever takes ghusl on Friday and purifies himself as much possible, then uses his (hair) oil or perfumes himself with his household scent, then proceeds (for the Prayer) and does not separate two people sitting together (in the mosque), then prays as much as is decreed for him, and then remains silent while the Imaam is delivering the sermon, his sins between that and the previous Friday will be forgiven. " (BS)
Abu Hurayrah narrated that the Messenger of Allaah (may Allaah bless him & grant him peace) said,
"When the Imaam is delivering the Khutbah, and you ask your companion to keep quiet and listen, then no doubt you have spoken wrongly. " (BS)
Regarding the Adhaan (call to prayer) on Friday
As-Saaيib bin Yazeed narrated that in the lifetime of the Prophet (may Allaah bless him & grant him peace), Abu Bakr and 'Umar (Allaah be pleased with them), the adhaan for the Friday prayer used to be pronounced when the Imaam sat on the pulpit. But during the Caliphate of 'Uthmaan (Allaah be pleased with him), when the Muslims increased in number, a third adhaan at Az-Zawraaي was added. Abu 'Abdullaah said, "Az-Zawraaي is a place in the market of Madeenah. " (BS)
Permissibility of not attending the Jumu 'ah prayer if it is raining, & what the muيadhdhin says
Muhammad bin Seereen narrated: Ibn 'Abbaas said to his muيadhdhin on a rainy day, "After saying Ash-hadu anna Muhammadan Rasoolullaah (I testify that Muhammad is the Messenger of Allaah), do not say, Hayya 'ala-s-Salaah (Come for the Prayer), but say, Salloo fee buyootikum (Pray in your houses). (The man did so.) But the people disliked it, so Ibn 'Abbaas said, "This was done by one who was much better than me (i.e. the Prophet, may Allaah bless him & grant him peace). Undoubtedly, the Jumu 'ah prayer is compulsory, but I dislike to put you to task by bringing you out walking in mud and slush. " (BS)
Regarding the Khutbah (sermon)
Anas (Allaah be pleased with him) said,
"The Prophet (may Allaah bless him & grant him peace) delivered the Khutbah on the pulpit. " Ibn 'Umar (Allaah be pleased with him) narrated: "The Prophet (may Allaah bless him & grant him peace) used to deliver the Khutbah while standing, then he would sit, then stand again, as you do nowadays. " (BS)
Jaabir bin 'Abdullaah narrated that a man entered the mosque while the Prophet (may Allaah bless him & grant him peace) was delivering the Khutbah on a Friday, so he asked him, "Have you prayed ? " The man replied, "No. " So he said, "Get up, and pray two rak'ahs. " (BS) Yahyaa related from Maalik ... that 'Uthmaan bin 'Affaan (Allaah be pleased with him) used to say the following in khutbahs, and he would seldom omit it if he was giving the khutbah:
"When the Imaam stands delivering the khutbah on the day of Jumu'ah, listen and pay attention, for there is the same reward for someone who pays attention but cannot hear as for someone who pays attention and hears. And when the iqaamah of the prayer is called, straighten your rows and make your shoulders adjacent to each other, because the straightening of the rows is part of the completion of the prayer. "
Then he would not say the takbeer until some men who had been entrusted with straightening the rows came and told him that they were straight. Then he would say the takbeer. (MM)
Recitation in the Friday Prayer
The Messenger of Allaah (may Allaah bless him & grant him peace) use to recite in the jumu'ah prayer, Surah al-Jumu'ah (62) & Surah al-Ghaashiyah (88), or Surah al-Munaafiqoon (63) in the second rak 'ah instead of the latter, or he would recite Surahs al-Ghaashiyah (88) and al-A'laa (89) in the two rak'ahs. (MS, MM)
The sermon should be short, while the Prayer should be long
The Messenger of Allaah (may Allaah bless him & grant him peace) said,
"It is part of a man's understanding that he shortens his sermon and lengthens his prayer. " (MS)
Yahyaa related from Maalik from Yahyaa bin Sa'eed that 'Abdullaah bin Mas'ood said to a certain man,
"You are in a time when men of understanding are many but Qur'aan-reciters are few; when the limits of behaviour defined in the Qur'aan are guarded but its letters lost; when few people ask, but many give; when they make the prayer long and the khutbah short, and put their actions before their desires. A time will come upon men when their men of understanding are few but their Qur'aan-reciters are many; when the letters of the Qurيaan are guarded but its limits are lost; when many ask, but few give; when they make their khutbah long and the prayer short, and put their desires before their actions." (MM)

Translation in Bahasa (Indonesian Language)
Sholat Jum’at Berjama’ah
Ayat Al-Qur’an
Dengan Nama Allah Yang Maha Pengasih Lagi Maha Penyayang
…. Dan Patuhilah Allah dan Rasul-nya, jka kamu benar-benar orang-orang beriman…. Dan Patuhiah Allah dan Rasul-Nya, maka kamu akan dirahmati.
Wahai orang-orang yang beriman! Apabila telah diseru untuk melaksanakan sholat pada hari Jum’at, maka segeralah kamu mengingat Allah dan tinggalkanlah jual beli. Yang demikian itu lebih baik bagimu jika kamu mengetahui. Dan apabila sholat telah dilaksanakan, maka bertebaranlah kamu di bumi; carilah karunia Allah dan ingatlah Allah banyak-banyak agar kamu beruntung.
(QS 62:10-11)
Mandi (membersihkan seluruh butuh), membersihkan gigi, menggunakan parfum dan minyak rambut, datang ke tempat Sholat sesegara mungkin, dan tetap diam saat Imam memberikan khutbah (ceramah)
‘Abdullah bin ‘Umar meriwayatkan bahwa Rasul Allah (Semoga Allah memberkatinya dan memberikannya kedamaian) bersabda,
“Siapa pun dari kalian yang datang untuk Sholat Jum’at harus membersihkan diri (mandi) ” (BS) Abu Sa’eed al Kudhri meriwayatkan bahwa Rasul Allah (semoga Allah memberkatinya dan memberikannya kedamaian) bersabda, ” Mandi pada Hari Jum’at adalah wajib bagi setiap laki-laki dewasa, dan juga membersihkan giginya, dan menggunakan parfum yang tersedia.” (BS)
Abu Hurayrah meriwayatkan bahwa Rasul Allah (semoga Allah memberkatinya dan memberikannya kedamaian) bersabda,
“Karena aku tidak menemukan kesulitan bagi para pengikutku, Aku akan memberi perintah kepada mereka untuk menggunakan Siwak (batang untuk gigi) di setiap sholatnya.” (BS)
Abu Huarayrah meriwayatkan bahwa Raul Allah (semoga Allah memberkatinya dan memberikannya kedamaian) bersabda,
“Barangsiapa yang mandi pada hari Jum’at seperti mandi Zunub, dan kemudian pergi untuk sholat (di jam pertama), ini seperti dia hendak mengurbankan seekor unta (di dalam cause Allah)’ barangsiapa yang pergi pada jam kedua, ini seperti dia mengorbankan seekor sapi; barangsiapa pergi untuk jam ke-tiga ini seperti dia hendak mengorbankan ram bertanduk; barangsiapa yang pergi pada jam ke-4, ini seperti dia mengorbankan ayam betinanya, dan barangsiapa yang akan pergi pada jam ke-5, ini seperti dia menawarkan sebutir telur. Ketima Imam keluar, para malaikat duduk, mendengarkan remembrance.” (BS, MM)
Salmaan al-Farsi meriwayatkan bahwa Rasul (semoga Allah memberkatinya dan memberikannya kedamaian) bersabda,
“Siapa pun yang mandi pada hari Jum’at dan mensucikan dirinya disegala kemungkinan, kemudian menggunakan minyak (rambut)nya atau parfumnya sendiri dengan wewangian yang ada di rumahnya, kemudian memproses (untuk sholat) dan tidak memisahkan dua orang manusia duduk bersama (di dalam masjid), kemudian berdoa sebanyak mungkin yang ditetapkan untuknya, dan kemudian selanjutnya diam ketika Imam membawakan khutbah, dosa-dosanya antar hari ini dan sholat Jum’at minggu lalu akan dilupakan.” (BS)
Abu Hurayrah meriwayatkan Rasul Allah (semoga Allah memberkatinya dan memberikannya kedamaian) bersabda,
“Ketika Imam membawakan Khutbah, dan kamu meminta sahabatmu untuk tetap diam dan mendengarkan, maka tidak ada keraguan akan kekeliruan ucapanmu.” (BS)
Tentang Adzan (panggilan untuk Sholat) pada hari Jum’at
As-Saaيib bin Yazeed meriwayatkan bahwa di dalam masa hidupnya Nabi (semoga Allah memberkatinya dan memberikannya kedamaian), Abu Bakr dan ’Umar (Allah beserta mereka), Adzan untuk sholat Jum’at ini biasa dilantunkan ketika Imam duduk di atas mimbar. Tetapi selama masa Khalifah ”Uthmaan (Allah besertanya), ketika umat Muslim bertambah jumlahnya, adzan ketiga pada at Az-Zawraaي ditambahkan. Abu 'Abdullaah said, "Az-Zawraaي ditempatkan di pasar Madeenah. " (BS)
Diperbolehkannya untuk tidak hadir pada sholah Jum;at jika hari hujan, dan apa yang muيadhdhin katakan
Muhammad bin Seeren meriwayatkan: Ibn 'Abbaas berkata kepada muيadhdhin-nya pada saat hari hujan, "Setelah mengucapkan Ash-hadu anna Muhammadan Rasoolullaah (Aku bersaksi bahwa Muhammad adalah Utusan Allaah), jangan berkata, Hayya 'ala-s-Salaah (Marilah kita sholat), tetapi katakan, Salloo fee buyootikum (Sholatlah kamu di dalam rumah). (Lelaki ini melakukannya.) Tetapi orang-orang tidak menyukainya, sehingga Ibn 'Abbaas berkata, "Ini dilakukan oleh orang yang bahkan lebih baik dari aku (yaitu Nabi, Semoga Allah memberkatinya dan memberikannya kedamaian). Tidak dapat diragukan lagi, sholat Jum’at adalah suatu kewajiban, tetapi tidak seperti menempatkan kamu dengan tugas yang membawamu melaangkah keluar di atas lumpur dan yang melumpuri." (BS)
Tentang Khutbah (Ceramah)
Anas (Allaah besertanya) berkata,
"Nabi (Semoga Allah memberkatinya dan memberikannya kedamaian) menyampaikan Khutbah di mimbar. " Ibn 'Umar (Allah besertanya) meriwayatkannya: "Nabi (Semoga Allah memberkatinya dan memberikannya kedamaian) biasa memberikan Khutbah disaat berdiri, kemudian duduk, kemudian berdiri lagi, seperti yang kalian lihat sekarang ini. " (BS)
Jaabir bin 'Abdullaah meriwayatkan bahwa seorang lelaki masuk ke masjid disaat Nabi (Semoga Allah memberkatinya dan memberikannya kedamaian) menyampaikan Khutbah pada hari Jum’at, karenanya dia bertanya padanya, “Sudahkan kamu sholat?" Lelaki itu kemudian menjawab, "Tidak " Maka dia berkata, "Bangun dan sholat 2 raka’at" (BS) Yahyaa terkait dari Maalik ... bahwa 'Uthmaan bin 'Affaan (Allaah besertanya) biasa mengatakan setelah khutbah-khutbah dan dia akan jarang mengabaikan jika dia menyampaikan khutbah:
"Ketika Imaam berdiri membawakan khutbah pada hari Jum’at, dengarkan dan beri perhatian, dimana terdapat pahala yang sama bagi seseorang yang memberi perhatian tetapi tidak dapat mendengar. Dan ketika iqamat sholat dikumandangkan, rapatkan barisan kalian dan buatlah bahu kalian bertemu satu sama lain, sebab rapatnya barisan adalah bagian dari sempurnanya sholat."
Kemudian dia tidak akan mengucapakan takbir sampai seseorang yang tidak dapat dipercaya dengan rapatnya barisan datang dan pergie kapal. Kemudian dia akan mengucapkan takbir. (MM)
Bacaan Al-Qur’an pada Sholat Jum’at
Rasul Allaah (semoga Allah memberkatinya dan memberikannya kedamaian) biasa membaca Surah-surah Al Qur’an di dalam sholat Jum’at, Surah al-Jumu'ah (62) & Surah al-Ghaashiyah (88), atau Surah al-Munaafiqoon (63) di rakaat kedua selain surah-surat tersebut, atau Beliau akan membaca Surahs al-Ghaashiyah (88) dan al-A'laa (89) dalam dua raka’at tersebut. (MS, MM)
Ceramah harus singkat, ketika sholat harus panjang
Rasul Allaah (semoga Allah memberkasinya dan memberikannya kedamaian) bersabda,
"Ini adalah bagian dari pengetahuan manusia bahwa dia mememperpendek ceramah dan memperpanjang sholat. " (MS)
Yahyaa diceritakan dari Maalik dari Yahyaa bin Sa'eed bahwa 'Abdullaah bin Mas'ood berkata kepada beberapa orang tertentu,
"Kamu berada diwaktu ketika pengetahuan orang-orang adalah banyak tetapi pembaca Al Qur’an adalah sangat sedikit, ketika keterbatasan kebiasaan yang disebutkan di dalam Qur’an dijaga tetapi beberapa suratnya hilang, disaat beberapa orang bertanya, tetapi banyak orang memberi, disaat mereka melaksanakan sholat panjang dan khutbah yang pendek, dan menempatkan tindakan mereka sebelum hasrat mereka. Suatu masa akan datang kepada manusia ketika pengetahuan manusia adalah sangat sedikit tetapi pembaca Al-Qur’an banyak; disaat surat-surat Al Qur’an dijaga tetapi dengan keterbatasan yang hilang; disaat banyak bertanya, tetapi sedikit memberi; disaat mereka membuat khutbah yang panjang dan sholat yang pendek, dan menempatkan hasrat mereka sebelum tindakan mereka." (MM)

Translation in Albanian Language
Namazi në Grup i Xhumasë (së premtes)
Me emrin e Allahut, Bëmirësit, Mëshiruesit
... dhe bindjuni Allahut dhe të Dërguarit të Tij, nëse jeni besimtarë. ... dhe bindjuni Allahut dhe të Dërguarit, që të mund t'ju tregohet mëshirë
''O ju që besuat, kur bëhet thirrja për namaz, ditën e Xhumasë, ecni shpejt për aty ku përmendet Allahu (dëgjojeni Khutben, faleni namazin), e lini shitblerjen, kjo është më e dobishme për ju nëse e dini.
E, kur të kryhet namazi, atëherë shërndahuni në tokë dhe kërkoni begatitë e Allahut, por edhe përmendeni shpeshherë Allahun, që të gjeni shpëtim.
Po, kur ata shohin ndonjë tregti, ose ndonjë aheng mësyhen atje, kurse ty të lënë në këmbë. Thuaju: “Ajo që është te Allahu është shumë më e mirë se dëfrimi dhe tregëtia, e Allahu është Furnizuesi më i mirë!” (Al-Xhuma'a: 9-11)
Gusli (larja e gjithë trupit), pastrimi i dhëmbëve, hedhja e parfumit dhe vajit të flokëve, të shkuarit për falje sa më shpejt që të jetë e mundur, dhe qëndrimi në heshtje ndërsa Imaami mban Khutben (predikim).
'Abdullaah bin' Umari rrëfen se i dërguari i Allahut (paqja dhe bekimi i Allahut qofshin mbi të) ka thënë: ''Çdokush nga ju që merr pjesë në Namazin e Xhumasë duhet të marrë gusël." (BS) Abu Sa'iid al-Khudri rrëfen se i dërguari i Allahut (paqja dhe bekimi i Allahut qofshin mbi të) ka thënë: "Gusli të premten është detyrim për çdo mashkull të rritur dhe gjithashtu pastrimi i dhëmbëve dhe përdorimi i parfumit nëse ka." (BS)
Abu Hurejrah rrëfen se i Dërguari i Allahut (bekimi dhe paqja e Allahut qofshin mbi të) ka thënë: "Sikur të mos më dukej e vështirë për pasuesit tim, unë do t'i kisha urdhëruar ata të përdorin Siuaak (shkopinj nga një pemë e veçantë që përdoret për pastrim dhëmbësh) për çdo namaz." (BS)
Abu Hurejrah rrëfen se i Dërguari i Allahut (bekimi dhe paqja e Allahut qofshin mbi të) ka thënë: "Çdokush që merr gusël të premten si gusli i Xhanaabes dhe pastaj shkon për namaz (në momentin e parë), është sikur ai të kishte sakrifikuar një deve (në cështjen e Allahut); ai që shkon në momentin e dytë, është sikur të kishte sakrifikuar një lopë; ai që shkon në momentin e tretë, është sikur të kishte sakrifikuar një dash me brirë; ai që shkon në momentin e katërt, është sikur të kishte sakrifikuar një pulë dhe ai që shkon në momentin e pestë, është sikur të kishte ofruar një vezë. Kur del Imami, engjëjt rregullohen/radhiten për të dëgjuar kumtesën."(BS, MM)
Selmaan al-Farsi rrëfen se Pejgamberi (bekimi dhe paqja e Allahut qofshin mbi të) ka thënë: "Kush merr gusël të premten dhe pastrohet sa më shumë të jetë e mundur, pastaj përdor vaj(flokësh) ose hedh parfum nga shtëpia e tij, pastaj të shkon (për falje) dhe nuk i ndan dy njerëz të ulur së bashku (në xhami), pastaj fal aq sa është caktuar për të dhe pastaj qëndron i heshtur ndërsa Imami mban Khutben, mëkatet e tij, mes kësaj dhe së premtes së kaluar do t'i falen." (BS)
Abu Hurayrah rrëfen se Pejgamberi (bekimi dhe paqja e Allahut qofshin mbi të) ka thënë:
"Kur Imami mban Khutben dhe ti i thua shokut të mbajë qetësi dhe të dëgjojë, atëherë dhe ti pa dyshim ke folur gabimisht." (BS)
Ezani (thirrja për namaz)i Xhumasë
As-Saa'ib bin Jazidi rrëfen se në kohën e Pejgamberit (bekimi dhe paqja e Allahut qofshin mbi të), Abu Bakrit dhe 'Umerit (Allahu qoftë i kënaqur me ta), Ezani për Namazin e Xhumasë thirrej kur Imami ulej ne Minber. Por gjatë Kalifatit të 'Uthmanit (Allahu qoftë i kënaqur me të), kur numri i Muslimanëve u rrit, u shtua një Ezan i tretë në Az-Zauraa'. Abu 'Abdullahu thotë se, "Az-Zauraa' është një vend në tregun e Madinës." (BS)
Lejimi për të mos marrë pjesë në Namazin e Xhumasë nëse ie shi dhe çfarë thotë Muezini
Muhammed bin Sirini rrëfen: Ibn 'Abbasi i tha Muezinit të tij një ditë me shi, "Pasi të thuash Esh-hedu enne Muhammadun Rasuulullaah (Unë dëshmoj se Muhammedi është i Dërguar i Allahut), mos thuaj, Hajje' ala-s-Salaah (Ejani për Namaz), por thuaj, Sallu fii bujutikum (Faluni në shtëpitë tuaja). (dhe ai kështu bëri.) Por njerëzit nuk e pëlqyen, kështu që Ibn 'Abbasi u tha: "Kjo është bërë nga dikush, i cili ishte shumë më i mirë se unë ( Profeti, Allahu e bekoftë dhe i dhëntë paqe). Pa dyshim, se Namazi i Xhumasë është i detyrueshëm, por unë nuk dua t'ju vë në vështirësi duke u nxjerrë të ecni në baltë dhe llucë."(BS)
Khutbja (predikimi)
Anasi (Allahu qoftë i kënaqur me të) ka thënë: ''Profeti (bekimi dhe paqja e Allahut qofshin mbi të) e mbante Khutben në Minber." Ibn 'Umari (Allahu qoftë i kënaqur me të) rrëfen: "Profeti (bekimi dhe paqja e Allahut qofshin mbi të) e mbante Khutben duke qëndruar në këmbë, pastaj ai do të ulej e do të ngrihej përsëri, siç bëhet dhe sot."(BS)
Xhabir bin 'Abdullahu rrëfen se një burrë hyri në xhami ndërsa Profeti (bekimi dhe paqja e Allahut qofshin mbi të) po mbante Khutben e së Premtes, ndaj ai e pyeti: "A ju falur?" Njeriu u përgjigj: "Jo" Ai i tha: "Ngrihu dhe fal dy rekatë.'' (BS)
Jahjai transmeton nga Maliku ... se 'Uthman bin 'Affani (Allahu qoftë i kënaqur me të) në Khutbe thoshte fjalët e mëposhtme dhe rrallë i linte pa përmendur:
"Kur Imami mban Khutben në ditën e Xhuma', dëgjojeni dhe i kushtoni vëmendje, pasi të njëjtin shpërblim ka një person që kushton vëmendje, por nuk mund të dëgjojë dhe një person që kushton vëmendje dhe dëgjon. Kur thirret Ikameti për falje, drejtojini rreshtat tuaj dhe afrojini supet ngjitur me njëri-tjetrin, pasi drejtimi i rreshtave është pjesë e kompletimit të faljes."
Pastaj ai nuk e thërriste tekbirin, derisa disa njerëz të caktuar për drejtimin e rreshtave, të vinin t'i thoshin se ata ishin në rregull. Pastaj ai do të thrriste tekbirin. (MM)
Deklamimi në Namazin e Xhumasë
I Dërguari i Allahut (bekimi dhe paqja e Allahut qofshin mbi të) në Namazin e Xhumasë lexonte: Suren al-Xhuma'ah (62)dhe Suren al-Ghaashijah (88); ose në vend të kësaj të fundit, në rekatin e dytë Suren al-Munaafikun (63) ose ai do të lexonte Suret al-Ghaashijah (88) dhe al-A'laa (89) në dy rekatet. (MS, MM)
Predikimi (Khutbja) duhet të jetë i shkurtër, ndërsa Falja duhet të jetë e gjatë.
I Dërguari i Allahut (bekimi dhe paqja e Allahut qofshin mbi të) ka thënë:
''Është pjesë e llogjikës së një njeriu të kuptojë që predikim ta shkurtojë dhe Faljen ta zgjasë.''(MS)
Jahjai transmeton nga Maliku nga Jahja bin Sa'idi se 'Abdullaah bin Mas'udi i ka thënë dikujt: ''Jeni në një kohë kur të zotët e mendjes janë shumë, por recituesit e Kur'anit janë pak; kur kufijtë e sjelljes të përcaktuara në Kur'an janë ruajtur, por shkronjat e saj kanë humbur; kur pak njerëz kërkojnë, por shumë japin; kur ata e bëjnë faljen të gjatë dhe Khutben të shkurtër dhe venë veprat para dëshirave të tyre. Do të vijë koha kur njerëzit e mendjes do të jenë të paktë, por recituesit e Kur'anit të shumtë; kur shkronjat e Kur'anit do të ruhen, por kufizime e tij do të humbasin; kur shumë kërkojnë, por pak japin; kur ta bëjnë Khutben të gjatë dhe Faljen të shkurtër dhe të vënë dëshirat e tyre para veprave.'' (MM)

The Etiquette for Salat al-Jumuah

"O believers, when the call is proclaimed for the prayer on Friday, come to the remembrance of Allah and leave off business, that is better for you if you but did know." [Al-Jumuah, 62:9]
Purifying and cleaning oneself
The person intending to perform Salat al-Jumuah is highly encouraged to have ghusl (full bath or shower). The majority of the scholars are of the opinion that the ghusl for Salat a-Jumuah is recommended (sunnah) but not obligatory. The ghusl is performed starting from the time of Fajr Prayer. Also, if a person performs ghusl and then later invalidates his ablution, he need not repeat the ghusl. Making ablution (wudhu) suffices. Furthermore, one ghusl may be used for removing sexual defilement (janabah) and for Salat al-Jumuah.
Going early to the masjid
There is a great reward in going early to Salat al-Jumuah, beginning after sunrise. By leaving for Salat al-Jumuah, one gets the reward of waiting for the Prayer, making dhikr (remembering Allah) and voluntary prayers during that time. Abu Umamah narrated that the Messenger of Allah (sallallahu `alaihi wa sallam) said, "The angels sit at the doors to the Masjids and with them are scrolls in which they record the people [who come]. When the Imam appears, the scrolls are rolled up." Abu Umamah was asked, "Does the one who comes after the Imam still have a Friday Prayer?" he said, "Certainly, but he is not one of those who is recorded [as coming early]." [Ahmad and al-Tabarani]
Dressing well for Salat al-Jumuah
This is a special time that requires Muslims to appear in the best manner possible. One should therefore put on his best attire for Salat al-Jumuah.
The Prophet (sallallahu `alaihi wa sallam) said, "If one has the means, he should buy two pieces of clothing, other than his work clothes or [everyday clothing], to wear on Friday." [Abu Dawud]
Performing tahiyyat al-Masjid
If a person comes late to the Friday Prayer while the Imam is delivering the khutbah, should he pray the two rak`ahs of tahiyyat al-Masjid (prayer of greeting the mosque) and the sit or should he simply skip them? The strongest opinion is to perform the tahiyyat al-Masjid based on the Hadith of the Prophet (sallallahu `alaihi wa sallam): "If one of you comes to the Masjid, he should pray two rak`ahs before he sits" [Al-Bukhari and Muslim]. However, tahiyyat al-Masjid is not required of the person giving the khutbah. Also, this requirement is limited only to prayers offered in a Masjid.
Walking to the Masjid whenever feasible as there is a reward for every step taken to the Masjid.
Avoiding stepping over people to get to a particular spot in the Masjid.
Avoiding dividing two people who are sitting together.
Not making someone stand and taking his place.
Not clasping one’s hands and intertwining one’s fingers while waiting for the prayer.
Sitting in the front rows and close to the Imam whenever possible.
Remaining quiet while the Imam is delivering the khutbah. This actually includes listening to the Imam and not playing with anything while the Imam is speaking.
Going to the Masjid in a state of calmness and not being hurried.
Reciting surah al-Kahf (surah 18) as an authentic Hadith states: "For whoever recites surah al-Kahf on Friday, it will be a light for him from that Friday to the next." [Al-Bayahaqi and Al-Hakim] The surah could be read any time of the day.
Indeed, Salat al-Jumuah is one of the most important acts of worship in Islam. The Prophet (sallallahu `alaihi wa sallam) has described the wonderful blessings and benefits that Allah has vouchsafed upon Muslims through this magnificent act. Knowing how important this prayer is in Allah’s sight, Muslims must do their best to perform it in the best way possible. They should strive and sacrifice for the sake of this Prayer.

What is the merit of Friday over other days ? and Why?

Praise be to Allaah.
Friday has many distinguishing features and virtues that Allaah has bestowed upon this day and not others.
It was narrated that Abu Hurayrah and Hudhayfah (may Allaah be pleased with them) said: The Messenger of Allaah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: “Allaah led those who came before us away from Friday. The Jews had Saturday, and the Christians had Sunday. Then Allaah brought us and Allaah guided us to Friday. So there is Friday, Saturday and Sunday, and thus they will follow us on the Day of Resurrection. We are the last of the people of this world but we will be the first on the Day of Resurrection, and we will be dealt with before all others.” Narrated by Muslim, 856.
Al-Nawawi said:
Al-Qaadi said: The apparent meaning is that it was obligatory for them to venerate Friday but this was not stated clearly; the matter was left to their own reasoning… But they did not manage to work it out and Allaah did not guide them to it. It was enjoined clearly upon this ummah, and was not left to their own reasoning, thus they were blessed with it … It was narrated that Moosa enjoined Friday upon them and told them of its virtues, but they disputed with him and argued that Saturday was better, and it was said to him, ‘Let them be.’ Al-Qaadi said: if there had been a clear command, their arguing with him would not have been valid, rather it would have been said to him that they were going against the command. I say: it may be that that was clearly enjoined upon them but they disputed as to whether it was something they had to adhere to or they could change it to another day; they decided to change it to another day and they erred greatly thereby.
It comes as no surprise that Friday was specifically enjoined upon them and they went against that.
Al-Haafiz said: How can it be otherwise when they are the ones who said “We hear and we disobey”?
It was narrated from Aws ibn Aws that the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: “The best of your days is Friday. On that day Adam (peace be upon him) was created; on that day he died; on that day the Trumpet will be blown and on that day all of creation will swoon. So send a great deal of blessings upon me, for your blessings will be shown to me.” They said, “O Messenger of Allaah, how will our blessings upon you be shown to you when you have turned to dust?” He said, “Allaah has forbidden the earth to consume the bodies of the Prophets, peace be upon them.”
Narrated by Abu Dawood, 1047; classed as saheeh by Ibn al-Qayyim in his comments on Sunan Abi Dawood, 4/273; classed as saheeh by al-Albaani in Saheeh Abi Dawood, 925.
It was narrated that Abu Hurayrah (may Allaah be pleased with him) said: The Messenger of Allaah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: “The best day on which the sun rises is Friday. On it Adam was created, on it he was admitted to Paradise and on it he was expelled therefrom.”
Narrated by Muslim, 1410.
This hadeeth includes some of the reasons why Friday is regarded as special.
Al-Nawawi said:
Al-Qaadi ‘Iyaad said: The apparent meaning is that these virtues do not mean that Friday is regarded as special because Adam was expelled on a Friday and the Hour will begin on a Friday. Rather it is meant to explain what momentous events took place and will take place on this day, so that people will make the most of this day to do righteous deeds, so as to attain the mercy of Allaah and ward off His punishment. This is the view of al-Qaadi. Abu Bakr ibn al-‘Arabi said in his book al-Ahwadhi fi Sharh al-Tirmidhi: All of these events are good and add to the virtue of Friday. The expulsion of Adam from Paradise is the reason why his offspring and the Messengers, the Prophets, the righteous and the awliya’ exist. He was not expelled from it as such, but rather it was for a purpose, then he will return to it. With regard to the Hour beginning on a Friday, the reason is so that the reward may be hastened for the Prophets, believers in truth, awliya’ and others, and their honour and high status may be made manifest. This hadeeth points to the virtues of Friday and its high status in relation to the other days.
It was narrated that Abu Lubaabah ibn ‘Abd al-Mundhir said: The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: “Friday is the master of days, and the greatest of them before Allaah. It is greater before Allaah than the day of al-Adha and the day of al-Fitr. It has five characteristics: on this day Allaah created Adam, on it He sent Adam down to the earth, on it Allaah caused Adam to die, on it there is a time when a person does not ask Allaah for anything but He gives it to him, so long as he does not ask for anything haraam, and on it the Hour will begin. There is no angel who is close to Allaah, no heaven, no earth, no wind, no mountain and no sea that does not fear Friday.” Narrated by Ibn Maajah, 1084; classed as hasan by Shaykh al-Albaani in Saheeh al-Jaami’, no. 2279
Al-Sanadi said: “They fear Friday” means they fear the onset of the Hour. This indicates that all created beings are aware of the days and they know that the Day of Resurrection will come on a Friday.
The virtues of this day include the following:
1 – On it is Salaat al-Jumu’ah (Friday prayer), which is the best of prayer.
Allaah says (interpretation of the meaning):
“O you who believe (Muslims)! When the call is proclaimed for the Salaah (prayer) on Friday (Jumu‘ah prayer), come to the remembrance of Allaah [Jumu‘ah religious talk (Khutbah) and Salaah (prayer)] and leave off business (and every other thing). That is better for you if you did but know!” [al-Jumu’ah 62:9]
Muslim (233) narrated from Abu Hurayrah (may Allaah be pleased with him) that the Messenger of Allaah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: “The five daily prayers and from one Jumu’ah to the next is an expiation for whatever sins come in between them, so long as one does not commit a major sin.”
2 – Praying Fajr in congregation on Fridays is the best prayer that the Muslim can pray during the week.
It was narrated that Ibn ‘Umar said: The Messenger (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: “The best prayer before Allaah is Fajr prayer on Friday in congregation.”
Narrated by al-Bayhaqi in Shu’ab al-Eemaan; classed as saheeh by al-Albaani in Saheeh al-Jaami’, 1119
One of the special features of Fajr prayer on Friday is that it is Sunnah to recite Soorat al-Sajdah in the first rak’ah and Soorat al-Insaan in the second.
It was narrated from Abu Hurayrah (may Allaah be pleased with him) that the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) used to recite in Fajr prayer in Fridays Alif-Laam-Meem Tanzeel (Soorat al-Sajdah) in the first rak’ah and Hal ata ‘ala’l-insaan heenun min al-dahr lam yakun shay’an madhkooran (Soorat al-Insaan) in the second.
Narrated by al-Bukhaari, 851; Muslim, 880.
Al-Haafiz Ibn Hajar said:
It was said that the reason why these two soorahs are recited is because they mention the creation of Adam and what will happen on the Day of Resurrection, because that will come to pass on a Friday.
3 – Whoever dies during the day or night of Friday, Allaah will protect him from the trial of the grave.
It was narrated that ‘Abd-Allaah ibn ‘Amr said: The Messenger of Allaah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: “There is no Muslim who dies during the day of Friday or the night of Friday but Allaah will protect him from the trial of the grave.”
Narrated by al-Tirmidhi, 1074; classed as saheeh by al-Albaani in Ahkaam al-Janaa’iz, p. 49, 50
These are some of the virtues of Friday. We ask Allaah to help us to please Him. And Allaah knows best.

What is the merit of Friday over other days ? and Why?

Praise be to Allaah.

Friday has many distinguishing features and virtues that Allaah has bestowed upon this day and not others.
It was narrated that Abu Hurayrah and Hudhayfah (may Allaah be pleased with them) said: The Messenger of Allaah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: “Allaah led those who came before us away from Friday. The Jews had Saturday, and the Christians had Sunday. Then Allaah brought us and Allaah guided us to Friday. So there is Friday, Saturday and Sunday, and thus they will follow us on the Day of Resurrection. We are the last of the people of this world but we will be the first on the Day of Resurrection, and we will be dealt with before all others.” Narrated by Muslim, 856.
Al-Nawawi said:
Al-Qaadi said: The apparent meaning is that it was obligatory for them to venerate Friday but this was not stated clearly; the matter was left to their own reasoning… But they did not manage to work it out and Allaah did not guide them to it. It was enjoined clearly upon this ummah, and was not left to their own reasoning, thus they were blessed with it … It was narrated that Moosa enjoined Friday upon them and told them of its virtues, but they disputed with him and argued that Saturday was better, and it was said to him, ‘Let them be.’ Al-Qaadi said: if there had been a clear command, their arguing with him would not have been valid, rather it would have been said to him that they were going against the command. I say: it may be that that was clearly enjoined upon them but they disputed as to whether it was something they had to adhere to or they could change it to another day; they decided to change it to another day and they erred greatly thereby.
It comes as no surprise that Friday was specifically enjoined upon them and they went against that.
Al-Haafiz said: How can it be otherwise when they are the ones who said “We hear and we disobey”?
It was narrated from Aws ibn Aws that the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: “The best of your days is Friday. On that day Adam (peace be upon him) was created; on that day he died; on that day the Trumpet will be blown and on that day all of creation will swoon. So send a great deal of blessings upon me, for your blessings will be shown to me.” They said, “O Messenger of Allaah, how will our blessings upon you be shown to you when you have turned to dust?” He said, “Allaah has forbidden the earth to consume the bodies of the Prophets, peace be upon them.”
Narrated by Abu Dawood, 1047; classed as saheeh by Ibn al-Qayyim in his comments on Sunan Abi Dawood, 4/273; classed as saheeh by al-Albaani in Saheeh Abi Dawood, 925.
It was narrated that Abu Hurayrah (may Allaah be pleased with him) said: The Messenger of Allaah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: “The best day on which the sun rises is Friday. On it Adam was created, on it he was admitted to Paradise and on it he was expelled therefrom.”
Narrated by Muslim, 1410.
This hadeeth includes some of the reasons why Friday is regarded as special.
Al-Nawawi said:
Al-Qaadi ‘Iyaad said: The apparent meaning is that these virtues do not mean that Friday is regarded as special because Adam was expelled on a Friday and the Hour will begin on a Friday. Rather it is meant to explain what momentous events took place and will take place on this day, so that people will make the most of this day to do righteous deeds, so as to attain the mercy of Allaah and ward off His punishment. This is the view of al-Qaadi. Abu Bakr ibn al-‘Arabi said in his book al-Ahwadhi fi Sharh al-Tirmidhi: All of these events are good and add to the virtue of Friday. The expulsion of Adam from Paradise is the reason why his offspring and the Messengers, the Prophets, the righteous and the awliya’ exist. He was not expelled from it as such, but rather it was for a purpose, then he will return to it. With regard to the Hour beginning on a Friday, the reason is so that the reward may be hastened for the Prophets, believers in truth, awliya’ and others, and their honour and high status may be made manifest. This hadeeth points to the virtues of Friday and its high status in relation to the other days.
It was narrated that Abu Lubaabah ibn ‘Abd al-Mundhir said: The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: “Friday is the master of days, and the greatest of them before Allaah. It is greater before Allaah than the day of al-Adha and the day of al-Fitr. It has five characteristics: on this day Allaah created Adam, on it He sent Adam down to the earth, on it Allaah caused Adam to die, on it there is a time when a person does not ask Allaah for anything but He gives it to him, so long as he does not ask for anything haraam, and on it the Hour will begin. There is no angel who is close to Allaah, no heaven, no earth, no wind, no mountain and no sea that does not fear Friday.” Narrated by Ibn Maajah, 1084; classed as hasan by Shaykh al-Albaani in Saheeh al-Jaami’, no. 2279
Al-Sanadi said: “They fear Friday” means they fear the onset of the Hour. This indicates that all created beings are aware of the days and they know that the Day of Resurrection will come on a Friday.
The virtues of this day include the following:
1 – On it is Salaat al-Jumu’ah (Friday prayer), which is the best of prayer.
Allaah says (interpretation of the meaning):
“O you who believe (Muslims)! When the call is proclaimed for the Salaah (prayer) on Friday (Jumu‘ah prayer), come to the remembrance of Allaah [Jumu‘ah religious talk (Khutbah) and Salaah (prayer)] and leave off business (and every other thing). That is better for you if you did but know!” [al-Jumu’ah 62:9]
Muslim (233) narrated from Abu Hurayrah (may Allaah be pleased with him) that the Messenger of Allaah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: “The five daily prayers and from one Jumu’ah to the next is an expiation for whatever sins come in between them, so long as one does not commit a major sin.”
2 – Praying Fajr in congregation on Fridays is the best prayer that the Muslim can pray during the week.
It was narrated that Ibn ‘Umar said: The Messenger (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: “The best prayer before Allaah is Fajr prayer on Friday in congregation.”
Narrated by al-Bayhaqi in Shu’ab al-Eemaan; classed as saheeh by al-Albaani in Saheeh al-Jaami’, 1119
One of the special features of Fajr prayer on Friday is that it is Sunnah to recite Soorat al-Sajdah in the first rak’ah and Soorat al-Insaan in the second.
It was narrated from Abu Hurayrah (may Allaah be pleased with him) that the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) used to recite in Fajr prayer in Fridays Alif-Laam-Meem Tanzeel (Soorat al-Sajdah) in the first rak’ah and Hal ata ‘ala’l-insaan heenun min al-dahr lam yakun shay’an madhkooran (Soorat al-Insaan) in the second.
Narrated by al-Bukhaari, 851; Muslim, 880.
Al-Haafiz Ibn Hajar said:
It was said that the reason why these two soorahs are recited is because they mention the creation of Adam and what will happen on the Day of Resurrection, because that will come to pass on a Friday.
3 – Whoever dies during the day or night of Friday, Allaah will protect him from the trial of the grave.
It was narrated that ‘Abd-Allaah ibn ‘Amr said: The Messenger of Allaah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: “There is no Muslim who dies during the day of Friday or the night of Friday but Allaah will protect him from the trial of the grave.”
Narrated by al-Tirmidhi, 1074; classed as saheeh by al-Albaani in Ahkaam al-Janaa’iz, p. 49, 50
These are some of the virtues of Friday. We ask Allaah to help us to please Him. And Allaah knows best.

In the Name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful.

Friday is the best day of the week. Imam Bukhari and Muslim reported that Prophet Mohammad (Peace Be Upon Him) had said, "We (Muslims) came last and yet we are the first on the day of judgment. They have received the books before us (meaning Torah and Injil). We have received the book after them (meaning the Qur’an). Friday was their day to be glorified. However, they disputed on that while Allah had told us Friday is the day to glorify. Thus they will follow us. The Jews glorify Saturday, and the Christians glorify Sunday." Also reported by Imam Muslim, Abo-Dawod, Al-Nesaii, and Al-Termithi, that Prophet Mohammad (Peace Be Upon Him) had said, "The best day during which the sun have risen is Friday. It is the Day Adam was created. It is the day when Adam entered paradise and also when he was taken out from it. It is also the day on which the day of judgment takes place."
Muslims are supposed to do the following on Fridays:
Men are obligated to participate in Friday Prayer. Allah (S.W.T.) said in Surat Al-Jumauah, (verse 9), what can be translated as, "O’ you who believe! When the call is proclaimed to Prayer on Friday hasten earnestly to the remembrance of Allah, and leave off business. That is best for you if you but knew." In addition, prophet Mohammad (Peace Be Upon Him) had warned from not attending Friday Prayer. Imam Muslim and Ahmad had reported that Prophet Mohammad (Peace Be Upon Him) said about people who do not attend Friday Prayer, "I wanted to ask a man to lead people in the prayer so that I may go and burn houses of men who did not attend the Friday Prayer with us" He also said reported by Imam Muslim, Ahmad and An-Nesaii, "Either they (meaning people who do not attend the Friday prayer) stop neglecting Friday prayers or Allah will set a seal on their hearts so they can not find the right path again." In another authentic hadith reported by Abu Dawod, Termithi, An-Nesaii, and Ibn-Majah, that the prophet (Peace Be Upon Him) said, "Who ever does not attend three Friday prayers, (without a valid excuse) Allah will set a seal on his heart"
It is also recommended to increase supplication especially at the last hour of the day since it is the hour when requests are replied by Allah. In an authentic hadith reported by Imam An-Nesaii, Abu-Dawod, and Al-hakim, that the prophet Muhammad (Peace Be Upon Him) said, "Friday has 12 hours, one of which is the hour where cries are granted for Muslim believers. This hour is sought at the last hour after Asar."
It is encouraged to wish peace be upon prophet Muhammad (Peace Be Upon Him) during Fridays and Friday’s night because of an authentic hadith reported by Imam Abu-Dawod, An-Nesaii, and Ibn-Majah, that the Prophet Muhammed (Peace Be Upon Him) said, "The best day is Friday. On Friday Adam was created, and died. On Friday is the first time the trumpet is blown (meaning when every creature dies) and the second time the trumpet is blown (referring to resurrection). So increase the number of times you wish peace upon me since this prayer will be shown to me." They asked him, How will our prayers be shown to you after you have vanished. He replied, "Allah has prohibited earth to cause the body of prophets to decay."
It is also recommended that Muslims recite surat Al-Kahf, because of the authentic hadith reported by Imam Al-Baihaqee, and Al-Hakim, that the prophet Muhammad (P.B.U.H.) had said, "Who ever recites surat Al-Kahf on Friday, Allah will give him a light to the next Friday."
It is also recommended that Muslims clean and wash themselves and make sure they smell nice when they attend Friday Prayers. Imam Muslim and Bukhari reported that the prophet Muhammad (Peace Be Upon Him) said, "Every Muslim is obligated to bath on Fridays and wear his best cloth. Also, he should use perfume if he has any."
It is important to come early to the Friday prayer. All of the hadith collectors, except Ibn-Majah, reported in an authentic hadith that the prophet Muhammad (Peace Be Upon Him) said, "If one washes himself and then went to Friday Prayer, it is considered as if he donated a camel for the sake of Allah. However, If he went in the second hour then it is considered as if he donated a cow and if the third hour then as if he donated a big sheep and if the fourth hour then as if he donated a chicken and if the fifth hour then as if he donated an egg. Then when the Imam starts delivering the speech the angels come and listen to it." Also in anther authentic hadith reported by Imam Abu-Dawod that the Prophet Muhammad (Peace Be Upon Him) said, "On Friday the angels come to stand on the doors of the mosque (masjid), the angels record who comes first, if the Imam starts delivering the speech, the angles close their files and come to listen to the speech."
It is forbidden to work on Fridays when the call for the prayer is announced because Allah says in surat Al-Jumu’ah, (verse 9), what can be translated as, "When the call is proclaimed to prayer on Friday hasten earnestly to the remembrance of Allah, and leave off business."
Also, it is forbidden to talk during the Khutbah. Several sayings of prophet Muhammad (P.B.U.H) covers this subject. In an authentic hadith reported by (the group of Ahadith collectors), except Ibn-Majah that prophet Muhammad (P.B.U.H) said, "If you told your friend to pay attention on Friday while the Imam is delivering the speech then you committed a sin of vain talk." Another authentic hadith which was reported by Imam Ibn-Majah and Attermizi that prophet Muhammad (Peace Be Upon Him) said, "Even who touches the gravel on the floor then he committed vain talk, and he who does commit that there will be no (Jumuah) Friday for him."
It is also disliked to walk between sitting people during Friday gathering unless there is an empty spot to fill. In an authentic hadith reported by Imam Abu-Dawod, An-Nesaii, and Ahmad that, A man came and started walking between people during a Friday gathering while Prophet Muhammad (Peace Be Upon Him) was delivering his speech, so the Prophet told him, "Sit because you caused harm to other people and came in late."
It was not legislated to consider Friday as a day off and not work during it. Because Allah (S.W.T.) said in surat Al-Jumu’ah, (verse 10), what can be translated as, "And when the prayer is finished, then you may disperse through the land and seek of the bounty of Allah." It was not a habit of any of the companions to consider Friday as a day to take off work. On the contrary Imam Al-Malek said, "It is disliked to take Friday off since we will be resembling the Jews and Christians for taking, respectively, Saturday or Sunday off."
Finally , there are two important matters for us in this country to be cautioned of. First of all, we must not neglect Friday Prayers because of work, study, or other matters. Every Muslims should make attending Friday Prayer as his top priority. It is important to do so since ignoring it three times with no valid reason will cause the heart to be sealed from the right path. The second matter to watch for is the loosing of one’s interest in the importance of Friday. This is especially important for the growing generation who are used to the concept of weekend being Saturday and Sunday and know almost nothing about the importance of Friday in the eyes of Muslims. So it is our duty to remind them and ourselves about this great day which is the best day of the week and try to spend it according to Islamic teaching.

The Importance Of Friday!

In the Name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful.

Friday is the best day of the week. Imam Bukhari and Muslim reported that Prophet Mohammad (Peace Be Upon Him) had said, "We (Muslims) came last and yet we are the first on the day of judgment. They have received the books before us (meaning Torah and Injil). We have received the book after them (meaning the Qur’an). Friday was their day to be glorified. However, they disputed on that while Allah had told us Friday is the day to glorify. Thus they will follow us. The Jews glorify Saturday, and the Christians glorify Sunday." Also reported by Imam Muslim, Abo-Dawod, Al-Nesaii, and Al-Termithi, that Prophet Mohammad (Peace Be Upon Him) had said, "The best day during which the sun have risen is Friday. It is the Day Adam was created. It is the day when Adam entered paradise and also when he was taken out from it. It is also the day on which the day of judgment takes place."
Muslims are supposed to do the following on Fridays:
Men are obligated to participate in Friday Prayer. Allah (S.W.T.) said in Surat Al-Jumauah, (verse 9), what can be translated as, "O’ you who believe! When the call is proclaimed to Prayer on Friday hasten earnestly to the remembrance of Allah, and leave off business. That is best for you if you but knew." In addition, prophet Mohammad (Peace Be Upon Him) had warned from not attending Friday Prayer. Imam Muslim and Ahmad had reported that Prophet Mohammad (Peace Be Upon Him) said about people who do not attend Friday Prayer, "I wanted to ask a man to lead people in the prayer so that I may go and burn houses of men who did not attend the Friday Prayer with us" He also said reported by Imam Muslim, Ahmad and An-Nesaii, "Either they (meaning people who do not attend the Friday prayer) stop neglecting Friday prayers or Allah will set a seal on their hearts so they can not find the right path again." In another authentic hadith reported by Abu Dawod, Termithi, An-Nesaii, and Ibn-Majah, that the prophet (Peace Be Upon Him) said, "Who ever does not attend three Friday prayers, (without a valid excuse) Allah will set a seal on his heart"
It is also recommended to increase supplication especially at the last hour of the day since it is the hour when requests are replied by Allah. In an authentic hadith reported by Imam An-Nesaii, Abu-Dawod, and Al-hakim, that the prophet Muhammad (Peace Be Upon Him) said, "Friday has 12 hours, one of which is the hour where cries are granted for Muslim believers. This hour is sought at the last hour after Asar."
It is encouraged to wish peace be upon prophet Muhammad (Peace Be Upon Him) during Fridays and Friday’s night because of an authentic hadith reported by Imam Abu-Dawod, An-Nesaii, and Ibn-Majah, that the Prophet Muhammed (Peace Be Upon Him) said, "The best day is Friday. On Friday Adam was created, and died. On Friday is the first time the trumpet is blown (meaning when every creature dies) and the second time the trumpet is blown (referring to resurrection). So increase the number of times you wish peace upon me since this prayer will be shown to me." They asked him, How will our prayers be shown to you after you have vanished. He replied, "Allah has prohibited earth to cause the body of prophets to decay."
It is also recommended that Muslims recite surat Al-Kahf, because of the authentic hadith reported by Imam Al-Baihaqee, and Al-Hakim, that the prophet Muhammad (P.B.U.H.) had said, "Who ever recites surat Al-Kahf on Friday, Allah will give him a light to the next Friday."
It is also recommended that Muslims clean and wash themselves and make sure they smell nice when they attend Friday Prayers. Imam Muslim and Bukhari reported that the prophet Muhammad (Peace Be Upon Him) said, "Every Muslim is obligated to bath on Fridays and wear his best cloth. Also, he should use perfume if he has any."
It is important to come early to the Friday prayer. All of the hadith collectors, except Ibn-Majah, reported in an authentic hadith that the prophet Muhammad (Peace Be Upon Him) said, "If one washes himself and then went to Friday Prayer, it is considered as if he donated a camel for the sake of Allah. However, If he went in the second hour then it is considered as if he donated a cow and if the third hour then as if he donated a big sheep and if the fourth hour then as if he donated a chicken and if the fifth hour then as if he donated an egg. Then when the Imam starts delivering the speech the angels come and listen to it." Also in anther authentic hadith reported by Imam Abu-Dawod that the Prophet Muhammad (Peace Be Upon Him) said, "On Friday the angels come to stand on the doors of the mosque (masjid), the angels record who comes first, if the Imam starts delivering the speech, the angles close their files and come to listen to the speech."
It is forbidden to work on Fridays when the call for the prayer is announced because Allah says in surat Al-Jumu’ah, (verse 9), what can be translated as, "When the call is proclaimed to prayer on Friday hasten earnestly to the remembrance of Allah, and leave off business."
Also, it is forbidden to talk during the Khutbah. Several sayings of prophet Muhammad (P.B.U.H) covers this subject. In an authentic hadith reported by (the group of Ahadith collectors), except Ibn-Majah that prophet Muhammad (P.B.U.H) said, "If you told your friend to pay attention on Friday while the Imam is delivering the speech then you committed a sin of vain talk." Another authentic hadith which was reported by Imam Ibn-Majah and Attermizi that prophet Muhammad (Peace Be Upon Him) said, "Even who touches the gravel on the floor then he committed vain talk, and he who does commit that there will be no (Jumuah) Friday for him."
It is also disliked to walk between sitting people during Friday gathering unless there is an empty spot to fill. In an authentic hadith reported by Imam Abu-Dawod, An-Nesaii, and Ahmad that, A man came and started walking between people during a Friday gathering while Prophet Muhammad (Peace Be Upon Him) was delivering his speech, so the Prophet told him, "Sit because you caused harm to other people and came in late."
It was not legislated to consider Friday as a day off and not work during it. Because Allah (S.W.T.) said in surat Al-Jumu’ah, (verse 10), what can be translated as, "And when the prayer is finished, then you may disperse through the land and seek of the bounty of Allah." It was not a habit of any of the companions to consider Friday as a day to take off work. On the contrary Imam Al-Malek said, "It is disliked to take Friday off since we will be resembling the Jews and Christians for taking, respectively, Saturday or Sunday off."
Finally , there are two important matters for us in this country to be cautioned of. First of all, we must not neglect Friday Prayers because of work, study, or other matters. Every Muslims should make attending Friday Prayer as his top priority. It is important to do so since ignoring it three times with no valid reason will cause the heart to be sealed from the right path. The second matter to watch for is the loosing of one’s interest in the importance of Friday. This is especially important for the growing generation who are used to the concept of weekend being Saturday and Sunday and know almost nothing about the importance of Friday in the eyes of Muslims. So it is our duty to remind them and ourselves about this great day which is the best day of the week and try to spend it according to Islamic teaching.

The Importance Of Friday!

In the Name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful.

Friday is the best day of the week. Imam Bukhari and Muslim reported that Prophet Mohammad (Peace Be Upon Him) had said, "We (Muslims) came last and yet we are the first on the day of judgment. They have received the books before us (meaning Torah and Injil). We have received the book after them (meaning the Qur’an). Friday was their day to be glorified. However, they disputed on that while Allah had told us Friday is the day to glorify. Thus they will follow us. The Jews glorify Saturday, and the Christians glorify Sunday." Also reported by Imam Muslim, Abo-Dawod, Al-Nesaii, and Al-Termithi, that Prophet Mohammad (Peace Be Upon Him) had said, "The best day during which the sun have risen is Friday. It is the Day Adam was created. It is the day when Adam entered paradise and also when he was taken out from it. It is also the day on which the day of judgment takes place."
Muslims are supposed to do the following on Fridays:
Men are obligated to participate in Friday Prayer. Allah (S.W.T.) said in Surat Al-Jumauah, (verse 9), what can be translated as, "O’ you who believe! When the call is proclaimed to Prayer on Friday hasten earnestly to the remembrance of Allah, and leave off business. That is best for you if you but knew." In addition, prophet Mohammad (Peace Be Upon Him) had warned from not attending Friday Prayer. Imam Muslim and Ahmad had reported that Prophet Mohammad (Peace Be Upon Him) said about people who do not attend Friday Prayer, "I wanted to ask a man to lead people in the prayer so that I may go and burn houses of men who did not attend the Friday Prayer with us" He also said reported by Imam Muslim, Ahmad and An-Nesaii, "Either they (meaning people who do not attend the Friday prayer) stop neglecting Friday prayers or Allah will set a seal on their hearts so they can not find the right path again." In another authentic hadith reported by Abu Dawod, Termithi, An-Nesaii, and Ibn-Majah, that the prophet (Peace Be Upon Him) said, "Who ever does not attend three Friday prayers, (without a valid excuse) Allah will set a seal on his heart"
It is also recommended to increase supplication especially at the last hour of the day since it is the hour when requests are replied by Allah. In an authentic hadith reported by Imam An-Nesaii, Abu-Dawod, and Al-hakim, that the prophet Muhammad (Peace Be Upon Him) said, "Friday has 12 hours, one of which is the hour where cries are granted for Muslim believers. This hour is sought at the last hour after Asar."
It is encouraged to wish peace be upon prophet Muhammad (Peace Be Upon Him) during Fridays and Friday’s night because of an authentic hadith reported by Imam Abu-Dawod, An-Nesaii, and Ibn-Majah, that the Prophet Muhammed (Peace Be Upon Him) said, "The best day is Friday. On Friday Adam was created, and died. On Friday is the first time the trumpet is blown (meaning when every creature dies) and the second time the trumpet is blown (referring to resurrection). So increase the number of times you wish peace upon me since this prayer will be shown to me." They asked him, How will our prayers be shown to you after you have vanished. He replied, "Allah has prohibited earth to cause the body of prophets to decay."
It is also recommended that Muslims recite surat Al-Kahf, because of the authentic hadith reported by Imam Al-Baihaqee, and Al-Hakim, that the prophet Muhammad (P.B.U.H.) had said, "Who ever recites surat Al-Kahf on Friday, Allah will give him a light to the next Friday."
It is also recommended that Muslims clean and wash themselves and make sure they smell nice when they attend Friday Prayers. Imam Muslim and Bukhari reported that the prophet Muhammad (Peace Be Upon Him) said, "Every Muslim is obligated to bath on Fridays and wear his best cloth. Also, he should use perfume if he has any."
It is important to come early to the Friday prayer. All of the hadith collectors, except Ibn-Majah, reported in an authentic hadith that the prophet Muhammad (Peace Be Upon Him) said, "If one washes himself and then went to Friday Prayer, it is considered as if he donated a camel for the sake of Allah. However, If he went in the second hour then it is considered as if he donated a cow and if the third hour then as if he donated a big sheep and if the fourth hour then as if he donated a chicken and if the fifth hour then as if he donated an egg. Then when the Imam starts delivering the speech the angels come and listen to it." Also in anther authentic hadith reported by Imam Abu-Dawod that the Prophet Muhammad (Peace Be Upon Him) said, "On Friday the angels come to stand on the doors of the mosque (masjid), the angels record who comes first, if the Imam starts delivering the speech, the angles close their files and come to listen to the speech."
It is forbidden to work on Fridays when the call for the prayer is announced because Allah says in surat Al-Jumu’ah, (verse 9), what can be translated as, "When the call is proclaimed to prayer on Friday hasten earnestly to the remembrance of Allah, and leave off business."
Also, it is forbidden to talk during the Khutbah. Several sayings of prophet Muhammad (P.B.U.H) covers this subject. In an authentic hadith reported by (the group of Ahadith collectors), except Ibn-Majah that prophet Muhammad (P.B.U.H) said, "If you told your friend to pay attention on Friday while the Imam is delivering the speech then you committed a sin of vain talk." Another authentic hadith which was reported by Imam Ibn-Majah and Attermizi that prophet Muhammad (Peace Be Upon Him) said, "Even who touches the gravel on the floor then he committed vain talk, and he who does commit that there will be no (Jumuah) Friday for him."
It is also disliked to walk between sitting people during Friday gathering unless there is an empty spot to fill. In an authentic hadith reported by Imam Abu-Dawod, An-Nesaii, and Ahmad that, A man came and started walking between people during a Friday gathering while Prophet Muhammad (Peace Be Upon Him) was delivering his speech, so the Prophet told him, "Sit because you caused harm to other people and came in late."
It was not legislated to consider Friday as a day off and not work during it. Because Allah (S.W.T.) said in surat Al-Jumu’ah, (verse 10), what can be translated as, "And when the prayer is finished, then you may disperse through the land and seek of the bounty of Allah." It was not a habit of any of the companions to consider Friday as a day to take off work. On the contrary Imam Al-Malek said, "It is disliked to take Friday off since we will be resembling the Jews and Christians for taking, respectively, Saturday or Sunday off."
Finally , there are two important matters for us in this country to be cautioned of. First of all, we must not neglect Friday Prayers because of work, study, or other matters. Every Muslims should make attending Friday Prayer as his top priority. It is important to do so since ignoring it three times with no valid reason will cause the heart to be sealed from the right path. The second matter to watch for is the loosing of one’s interest in the importance of Friday. This is especially important for the growing generation who are used to the concept of weekend being Saturday and Sunday and know almost nothing about the importance of Friday in the eyes of Muslims. So it is our duty to remind them and ourselves about this great day which is the best day of the week and try to spend it according to Islamic teaching.

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Kiya aap ko maloom hay?

Slope is shadharwan and ropes are ready to fasten with iron rings over shadharwan

Kabbay kay Slope ka jawab note kerlain
App ke khidmat mai kal Ek Tasweer pesh ke gayee the aur app sey daryaft kiya tha keh Kabbay ke dewaroon kay saath yeh White Marble Slope jo banaya gaya ha is ka naam kiya ha aur iski Shara'ee Haseeyat kia hai aur Tawaf kerne waloon kay liye yeh kis Qadar Ahmeyat ka hamil hai...... Hum sab masha'Allah Tawaf kertain hain, is Slope ko dekhtain bhe hain mager is ki Ahmeyat ka Hamain Andaza Nahee ho Pata.

Asal Waqiya yeh hay
RASOOL-ALLAH SALLALLA HO ALLIHI-WASALAM ki Zahir Hiyat Tayaba main Nabawat se phelay Kabbay kay Uper ki Roof nahi thi. Jab Quresh nay Kabbay ke As'Sare-no tameer Shour ki orr Kabbay per Roof dalne ka iradah kia tu itna Halal paisa nahi tha kay Kabbay ki Poori Roof Dalli ja sakti. Isliye yeh Fasla howa keh Kabbay ki charoon dewroon ko thoda thoda qareeb kerdia ja-ee takh Roof choti ho-jae orr Halal fund sey tameer ho. Iski wahja sey yeh howa keh kabbay ka Asal androoni Hissa Bahar agaya, ab ager Kabay kay charoon taraf yeh slope na bana-ya jata tu dewar kay sath lag ker Tawaf kerne waloon ka Tawaf Batil hojata kiyoun keh Tawaf Kabbay kay Bahar kia jata hai ander nahee, yeh is slope ki Technical or Shara-e wajha hay. (Tasweer ko doobara dekhian baat samajh main ajay-ee gee). Is ka ARABIC naam "SHA'ZAR-WAN" hay.

Statistical data regarding its' marble stones are as under:
Sha’zar’wans' height is 34 to 35 cm
Where as it’s' width is 45cm
Total marble stone = 68
From the corner of Hajar-e-Aswad to Rukn-e-Iraqi = 23 stones
(Multazim and Kabba door come in between so slope is not made with half of this wall)
From Rukn-e-Iraqi to Rukn-e-shami = Nil stone
(In between of these wall hateem lies which its Self is inner partof kaba, so no shadharwan slope Stone has been fixed here. Only a liar of straight Bricks are fixed here in the bottom of kaba which is called in Arabic Hajar-e-Salwan which would be described in next chapter Insha’Allah)
From Rukn-e-Shami to Rukn-e-Yemeni =25 stones
From Rukn-e-Yemeni to corner of Hajar-e-Aswad =20 stones