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Friday, August 26, 2011

10 Points on Excelling Ramadan

Point One: Have the hunger for Success

The medicine to help memorize/obtain knowledge is to have the burning desire to learn the subject, including the month of Ramadan:
If you have the burning desire to succeed in the month of Ramadan, you will succeed it, because you prepare yourself for it.
So have the heart and desire and don’t ever waste your time. You can also apply this to Ramadan:
Never give yourself an exit to fail in Ramadan!
Firstly, people get hopes to do stuff and succeed in Ramadan, then they give themselves an excuse to fail.

Point Two: Set your goals

Make sure these are high goals
We have an ultimate goal: To reach janaatal firdous.
We should compete with each other, because this is something to compete in.
When you start Ramadan, commit yourself to it, and set your goals to as high as you can.
So if you want to do a Khatm-al-Qur’an (Read the whole Qur’an), then don’t just set your goal to one, set it to two times, or even three!
Set a higher goal than you do in other months
Add more good deeds to your schedule
At least set it higher than last years
Point Three: Build confidence in Ramadan

People come to Ramadan with high expectations for themselves, like “Oh, this Ramadan I’ll read 10 times the Quran”, but then other people discourage them.
They need to build confidence within themselves and know that they can do it!
No matter how much time you have, sit down and plan out your goals, and plan a strategy on how you’ll achieve these goals, and build confidence within yourself.
Point Four: Do what you love to do in Ramadan

Some people love to feed the poor, so they cook and feed the poor. Some people like to help, so they help people. Some people like to read the Qur’an, so they read it whenever they get a chance to, etc.
Do what you really love to do, choose and select, do the good deeds that you love doing, not the ones that you think isn’t really your specialty, or something that you don’t enjoy doing.
Then gradually, build a habit of doing it as well.
The Prophet (Sallahu Alayhi Wa Sallaam) commanded us to achieve that which is little yet continuous.
Some people start Ramadan with doing as many good deeds as they can, and then they burn themselves out, so do little but keep it continuous.
Point Five: Study the successful: learn from the best

What does this mean
When we read a story about the successful ones, it boosts our morale and makes us feel like we can relate to it, like when we read a story from the Qur’an, and it makes us feel like we can relate to it.
So when we learn from the people of the past that were successful, we can see what they did in order to be successful.
Go and check some biography of some of the scholars and how they spent their times in Ramadan.
Remember: Keep these stories with you in the month of Ramadan, and every time you feel like you’re getting weaker and weaker, go back to these stories.
Point Six: Be in the company of the successful one

The previous point was about the people you learn about in stories and books.
But instead of reading about these successful people, and being like “That was nice, but it was all theoretical”, then why not spend your time WITH the successful ones in your community?
Who can help you achieve these goals you have, you’ll definitely find at least one or two of these types of people in Ramadan, go look for these people!
Remember, habits can make you go high in Ramadan or low in Ramadan, they can be very contagious!
So in order to obtain good habits, associate yourself with them, so be in the company of righteous and good people so you can catch their habits and make them your own.
If you want to be a high achiever in Ramadan, then you’ll have to be with people who achieve high goals.
But on the other hand, if you’re with people that have bad habits, then you’ll catch their bad habits.
The Prophet (Sallahu Alayhi Wa Sallaam) says “The example of the good and bad companion is the example of one that smells perfume vs a blacksmith. With the one that smells like perfume, you’ll smell like perfume like him, but if you’re with the blacksmith, then at the very least you’ll smell really bad.”
It’s the same thing with people you associate yourself with in Ramadan.
Point Seven: When you work on your goals, go all out and work really hard on them

When you start your achievements, work hard and go all out on them.
You won’t try to achieve your goals whenever it’s convenient for you, but rather, whenever you have spare time.
If you’re serious about achieving these goals, you have to be very serious about them.
Allah reminded the Prophet (Sallahu Alayhi Wa Sallaam) “When you’re done doing your dawah work outside, put yourself in worship until you get tired.”
You need to put a priority on these goals that you have.
The prophet (Sallahu Alayhi Wa Sallaam) reminds us of how to move from one level to the other. He said “There is one night in the month of Ramadan, and whoever achieves it, he has achieved a thousand months”.
If you want to look for it, then look for it in the last 10 nights. So the sahabah became more focused.
Then it’s said that it was on an odd night
The point here is that the prophet keeps reminding the people to be more focused since their momentum is going down.
So this is what it means to go all out and focus on it since it only comes once a year.
Point Eight: Be prepared and be adaptable

Be prepared for change!
Many people, when they come to a program, they start really well but then they start losing momentum later on.
Expect yourself to change plans in the month of Ramadan
You need to expect to adapt to the changes in the month of Ramadan. It’s better to do so then to lose hope and give up on your goals and plans.
Don’t overdo something and don’t have unrealistic goals, but have high goals and be prepared to adapt to these goals
Do not cancel the good deeds completely that you have started just because you think of the good deeds that you have started was too high to attain.
Point Nine: Remind yourself of the virtue of what you are doing

Allah says in the Qur’an “Remind and teach the message for that it benefits the believer.”
You yourself in the month of Ramadan are going to feel tired and exhausted.
So go to someone and ask for advice and seek help for someone to remind you.
You yourself remind yourself by sitting a few minutes at night in seclusion and make dhikhr and dua and think about what’s in store for the one who is fasting.
Every now and then, remind yourself of the virtue of fasting.
Keep the hadith of fasting in Ramadan handy, and the virtue of the Lailatul Qadr, etc.
Eventually, go attend a powerful reminder and/or program in the masjid.
Point Ten: Never give up!

If the shaitaan wants anything from us, he wants us to give up.
Every time people start making ibadaat, we get weaker, and then we stop doing it because shaytaan keeps whispering into us and saying “Dude, you know you can’t do that right? You’re not the person to achieve this good deed”
And then you fall into that trap.
Never GIVE UP!!! Even if you realize that it is the last day of Ramadan and you have missed out on many opportunities to do good still use that moment you have. Even if it is the last hour of RAMADAN! Never give up...

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